Blog dedicated to hair

Everything you need to know about the beard, the moustache and everything that touches the hair on your beard. Find out how your hair grows in a scientific way. The history of the beard from the Middle Ages and the most famous beards in history until today. Sign up for the newsletter and you will receive promotional codes, we promise you a maximum of 1 newsletter per month MAX.

Top 3 Bearded Animals

Top 3 Bearded Animals

Among the animals too, we have many hair fools. We have explored for you the most impressive manes of the faunaand today offers you a top 3 of the most remarkable beards and whiskers in the animal world. SO SAVAGE!!! Sus Barbatus, otherwise known as the bearded wild...

5 prejudices about the beard

5 prejudices about the beard

Do you dream of wearing a beard? Do you think it would sharpen your masculinity or maturity (each for his own reasons) but everyone is against it?Mom thinks it looks "not serious", doudou thinks it stings. So many prejudices whose only objective is to make your mane...

Does your beard need love?

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