The history of the Green Brothers

Discover our history and why we are passionate about beards.

Who are les Frères Green ?

The Green Brothers were born one morning in January 1989. First John, then Steve and finally Bill who took his time to get his nose out.

John Green

John Green was the first to come out of Mrs. Green’s stomach, so he thinks he’s the leader, the eldest, when he only has a few seconds of gap. John is a rather reserved man, a great introvert and a great creative.

John is in charge of all the delivery and John is known by the Green Brothers for being right on time all the time.

Steve Green

Steve Green is the 2nd of the siblings, of a rather curious nature, it is he who has experimented with thousands of oils until he finds the best oils for your beard. Without Steve, your hair wouldn’t have the same life.

Bill Green

Bill Green is the third, the youngest, the most creative of all. A little dreamy, he is the one who takes care of all the communication of the website and after-sales service and does it with love and passion.

In the Green family, only familiar language is allowed, so write to us and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

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